who is behind 119 ministries

Here we see Jesus call out the Gentiles by name. In that spirit i remain open to be incorrect, however, obviously I do not think i am, but am willing to discuss these matters. If we were in Jerusalem, right now, during the birth of the 1st century Messianic Community, I would drag you before the apostles and ask them to hear my charges against you. Isaiah 26:4? As it relates to our credibility, we readily admit that we have none. Sin, being defined as lawlessness, (literally meaning, sin is breaking Gods law/Torah) shows us that we need to be saved from breaking the Law. Truth has always been in opposition to manmade doctrines, opinions, and mainly pride. http://biblelaw101.com/ShouldLeviticus1818BeUnderstoodasProhibitingP-3.html. 5 (4) You are to follow ADONAI your God, fear him, obey his mitzvot (commandment), listen to what he says, serve him and cling to him; 6 (5) and that prophet or dreamer is to be put to death; because he urged rebellion against ADONAI your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from a life of slavery; in order to seduce you away from the path ADONAI your God ordered you to follow. franklin township library jobs. How much more severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he WAS SANCTIFIED, and has insulted the Holy Spirit of grace? ( Hebrews 10:29) Praise God! Sad. We should always go to Gods Word to find truth. My point was that the New Covenant was not specifically for them > that they had to become part of Israel to BE a part of the New Covenant / Bride of Christ. Im not interested in debating about all of your heresies. and the life was the light of mankind. If you dont agree with 119 ministries, it more than likely means you DO NOT agree with scripture. See 2 Peter 3:16. We worship who we serve. Yea, so many problems start when you do that. I agreed with some of your comments, but I was confused by many others. Look in the book of Isaiah, of being born of a virgin. Also by Jesus saying He came for the lost sheep, hes fulfilling the messianic prophecy you spoke of from Jeremiah. Sowho are they and what did they miss or do wrong? 6 See, it is written before me; I will not be silent until I repay them; I will repay them to the full, 7 your own crimes and those of your ancestors together, says ADONAI. Not really. - 2 Corinthians 5:17 biblegateway.com 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Jesus taught Gods law as intended. Therefore, whatever promises he made to my people are still valid even today. Dominion theology is a heresy also contradicted by Bible prophecy. Just LOOK at what JESUS says in Matthew 5:17-18: Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. He doesnt at all say the words hes saying are from the words given long ago by the Father. If you (or anyone else reading this) would like me to give you specific scriptural evidence of why Jesus is not God and why the New Testament is a false teaching, let me know, but I would prefer that you pick up a copy of Lets Get Biblical by Rabbi Tovia Singer because typing on my iPad takes a lot of time. It is only when men are not leading and being the head, that society collapses. I didnt come to destroy them, but to fulfill them, because I tell all of you with certainty that until heaven and earth disappear, not one letter or one stroke of a letter will disappear from the Law until everything has been accomplished. Some laws are for men, some are for women, some are for all. Jan 9 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. In vs. 21 hes talking about the law of Christ. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jesus the Messiah or Freedom from theLaw? To him be the glory, both now and forever! He was announcing just how great He is. Wake up and read the Word with the TRUE discernment of the Holy Spirit!! 119 Ministries is extremely active on social media and the internet, with smartphone apps and an extensive library of online teachings. Can you without any doubt, prove that Christianity with all its incorporated man-made traditions and rules with one head pastor today reflects the original Way of the Apostles after Pentecost as commanded in the Scriptures? He mentioned two dad man rising how did he know thats in Revelation The Startling lack of self awareness there mate. Okay, this time I really have to go for the evening. And therefore not in line with Gods will? 5 They say, Keep your distance, dont come near me, because I am holier than you. These are smoke in my nose, a fire that burns all day! Tagged: 119 ministries, hebrew roots, hebrew roots cult, hebrew roots movement, hrm, jim staley, michael rood, torah observance, torah observant . Wouldnt all of the NT verses that talk about Gods word be referring to the OT. If I may add I think most people that oppose the observance of such things from a NT vs OT or Law vs Grace presuppositions are looking at it from a limited perspective. I have been many times I was in a cult Good for me We are indwelled by the Spirit in order to follow God. Look in Revelation and youll see its only the people who keep the commandments of YHWH and the testimony of Jesus that the dragon is after not those who just keep the commandments of YHWH OR just those who have the testimony of Jesus. He said he teaches what the Father taught. What would the Churches in your area need to correct? Heres some Scriptures that demonstrate this principle: 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. Abraham certainly obeyed the Oral Torah we see this in Gen 26:5 as he obeyed all of Gods laws, ordinances, judgments,Torah. There is no separate one for Jew and Christian. Ahhh, see that.. read further down when your reading your bible. I told him that we were told several years ago that an army of . My Messianic Jewish wife and I both agree that many Christians have never truly understood the sacrificial death and the glorious resurrection our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, or the glaring fact that he is the Torah, the Prophets, and the Holy Writings, in flesh and blood, which is now a glorified body. Im thankful you are seeking to understand where your friends are walking & I will pray for God to give you wisdom in discerning the truth. Knowledge puffs up and when learning takes a path of that flat out condems others, then it vain point is missed need to back up and rethink life and everything. Many Hebrew Roots/Torah observant people actually do things in love. Be careful of spiritual pride . Without it, how can we know what sin is? And you. The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; whose new covenant blood was offered in heavens Holy of holies for our eternal redemption, is very active, presently. I believe Paul and all the Apostles continue to teach this in their writings. -Colossians 3:3-4. This is just a very cursory glimpse of just how much Jesus came for the whole human race, Jews for sure and Gentiles also for sure. Are they into high paying careers college loans to pay back some how ..large houses with Thank You Jesus signs in the yard . In fact, a true Judaizer is more interested in my observance of the Talmud writings than in my observance of the written Tanakh (OT): see Matthew chapter 15 and Mark chapter 7. He never sinned, and He was crucified for following and teaching Gods commandments better than anyone else! Bear a false testimony against your neighbor? When a teacher uses improper definitions and deceitful arguments, they define themselves as false teachers. More than once, I have addressed them, both privately and publicly. He also said the student is not greater than the teacher. You cannot be of both. That God has dealt with all men the same way. With 2 Masters degrees, I have read much in my 56 years and appreciate being informed I just count seven days from each Sabbath. Its solely based on the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirits opening the Scripture to us. For example, Jim Jones was a false teacher that came from a protestant denomination, thus all protestants are false I dont think so. Now dont go saying theyre getting lies now because even the leading theologian/apologist Daniel Lane Craig can explain how theres no pre-trib rapture in the Bible (I used to be a pre-tribber but no longer since the tares are taken **before** the wheat, etc.) This is why we are not under the law when we are in Christ. Please, I implore you to read the whole study. As I recall, when my co-authors and I wrote our response to your paper arguing that Leviticus 18:18 was the hidden code that only 20th/21st century people finally understood prohibited polygyny, we answered your scholars and upped the bet by citing far more ancient scholars who were actually Jewish rabbis living much closer to Biblical times. I think it's the oddness of their Hebrew Roots/Torah keeping position that makes people say that, maybe coupled with their unusual move to Costa Rica. First, the teaching creates doubt regarding the words of the Apostle Paul by asking, Does it really mean what many think it means? (Pg 1) Until someone provides an example of their actual false teaching and not merely a disagreement of conclusions then I will side with 119 approach to testing everything. For many centuries, Christians have been wrongly taught, thanks primarily to Replacement Theology, that in order for my people to accept our Messiah, we had to become Gentiles by adopting their ways, which usually went completely contrary to what the Torah teaches. Its important that men understand women are looking for a fathers love and not get screwed. I do not know nor can I know what it has cost you to follow the Lamb of God but it has cost me more than you could know . Not a word. He then goes on to say that this New Covenant will be based on the very commandments he is giving that very day. It was a matter of us, Yahweh and the Scripture collaborating to reveal the truthcan you think of a better setting? to be Holy because He is Holy, To be righteous because He is righteous. But the point needs to be made that parts of Christianty are indeed keeping much of Gods law I mean, why tithe if youre not supposed to keep THAT law? How the church lies. At this point, you may say, Well thats your opinion! and merely claim that this is a disagreement of conclusions. But I say, Yes, this is my opinion. I must have misunderstood your initial point in your post. God forbid the men you referenced enter into Islam instead of HR. Join my newsletter to start understanding prophecy literally. Jesus said his words are not his but they are the Father. I am not positive, but I believe 119 Ministries falls more along the lines of when Jesus said, I came not to bring peace but a sword in Matt. Yes, youre correct. Others at worst ignore the scriptures and claim the instructions God gave have been done away with but then they complain because they are plagued by secret sins. Did you know that every time the resurrected Messiah appeared to His disciples, it was on the first day of the week, the Lords Day? I have heard even further disturbing material that I think characterises the heart of this movement and people (yes, a cult). I stopped celebrating Christmas and Easter. and so on. Jesus Himself holds the keys to death and hades.Read Isa. 14 The Word became a human being and lived with us, They try to walk as HE walked not as how people twist Pauls writings. 2) Please stop misrepresenting the Hebrew Roots movement and Messianic Jewish people with one broad brushstroke. Because it will lead to This is where THEY are wrong. I am in agreement. He was not at all declaring that to the world. 55 and 61new covenant. Paul before his death even plainly over and over said no, the laws are not done away with, the same ones you are blaming me on trial for. Pray! Do you believe in the Spirit of God? So when we know that the original language of the old testament is Hebrew. Ill pray that the Lord will open his eyes and that he will not be deceived. Peter summarizes Paul with his last recorded words: . They were killed for teaching the truth of yah who sent them! -Romans 10:3-13. Again, thank you for your thoughtful & kind reply. I have tried to at the least be aware of the Holy Days and when the new moon is etc I find it for the most part accurate to the Jewish Calendars of today. Why do you think the apostles had to write so many letters? Remember, the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) moved upon the face of the waters (KJV). Then contact 119 ministries. In the same note do not judge those that find liberty in obedience to the Laws of God (as they do them unto God). Yes definitely he is a jew that is one inwardly. Required fields are marked *. who follow the instructions of the L ORD. The Jews are correct in their rejection of Jesus and I challenge anyone to read Lets Get Biblical by Rabbi Singer and show me how his scripturally based reasoning is flawed. Quickly on the first page, 119 Ministries re-defines the meaning of torah and restricts the reader to two illegitimate choices to follow throughout the remainder of the teaching. I choose to believe his words are twisted by people taking snippets of passages out of context and without considering the audience to whom Paul was writing. If this is the case, then Christianity is a cult, a major one at that. But I will give it a read when I can. A good way to see what the New Covenant entails, please read Jeremiah 31 where God states His law is NOT done away with but to be written on our hearts & minds. Footnote: cSee 2Co_11:6. This is the very commandment you have heard from the beginning, that you must walk in love., So what is love? Jews have ALWAYS been part of Israel! The three are most certainly related!! 119 Ministries is a gift from God, dont allow your flesh which does not want to accept the truth. the Torah was given at Sinai, it was given so it could be written down. Come on folks do not be deceived by what other deem a cult when they just want to hear what their itching ears want to hear.. rather than the TRUTH.. Look up Dr Michael Brown.. fire school of ministry and ask Dr. Brown he has great teachings too and will debate you in a second.. Look up the word Ruach in Hebrew, its breath not the 3rd person I dont worship Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. 119 gives these two examples because the first is the accusation the 2nd is defense. The one thing I see with any ministry is to see if what they teach is in accordance with scripture and not taken out of context. There are other words even found in the Greek manuscripts that could not be translated and only the Hebrew is given. I also understand we all are at different points of understand and studying. 3) Please stop the great misrepresentation of claiming that those who try to follow JESUS by living as he lived are doing this TO BE SAVED. Several years ago, Pastor Brad Scott, of the Wild Branch Ministries, caught my attention with his refreshing take on this ever brewing controversy. Replacement Theology, Antisemitism and the blatant misinterpretation of the Scriptures are pushing the Protestant Church further and further into apostasy, which means that Yeshua the Messiah will return to earth a lot sooner than most people are expecting. If so I would agree that we certainly couldnt settle an argument that could not be resolved by believers for 2000 years. After all I am right and if say you are Christian and are not like me you MUST be WRONG maybe we are all wrong. If so pastor why do you ask for tithing when in fact it is the law of the old testament.. If they have encouraged anyone to search the scriptures, then they have been successful. I have never heard anyone say they keep To Gods teachings as a way to earn salvation, but that is all I hear others accuse them of doing or saying. The only Scriptures possible at that time was the Tanakh (OT) as the NT was not even in existence yet. Paul tells us to be imitators of Christ, did not Christ keep the Saturday Sabbath along with the rest of the Law? He walked the earth for 40 days after his resurrection and never taught that the Law was done away with! For some time, 119 Ministries, has been sliding toward compromising positions with their Downy soft approach to some tough Biblical stances. Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them I have come not to abolish but to complete (pleroo in Koine Greek). Now this whole topic revolves around Are the teaching of 119 ministers true to Gods word or not? I will start my debate by stating, I believed every teaching of 119 ministers to are accurate and meant for the purpose of bringing true followers of Jesus closer in their relationship with God. The blueprints show what the final product is to be. YHWHS Holy Spirit never contradicts the Word of God whether thats the written version or the Living Word. ( Luke 22:20) In my 30s I became a Christian, thinking that it was a Greek word meaning a follower of the Messiah. Its about the rapture theories. It was for freedom Christ set us free. We are not to walk in wickedness, which is breaking Gods commandments but in obedience which is our righteousness, otherwise we can throw out the majority of the New Testament, do whatever you want and still get your get out of hell free card but we know that is not the case. Lets not forget the Aramaic as well. The tragic part is, 119 HAS scriptural truth but their TONE often creates a very negative feeling and makes people defensive. The false teaching at 119 ministries has reached levels where they should be dis-fellowshipped. Is that the bottom line fear? Youre welcome to use any of this material to help your friend. Again, there is joy found in following the law of the Lord, His statutes, precepts, commands, and ordinances. The issue people make of the writings of Paul is it becomes loosely interpreted as any kind of flesh you choose to eat. This had even more stipulations regarding the Land but included what was previously given. It is one of the same basic mistakes of Jehovah witness .we are saying His name right and everyone else is wrong ..His name actually means His authority I just looked at 2 videos. (As a RC, I was challenged at college by JWs, Muslims, Jews, etc. Via his blood which He himself announced as the blood of the NEW covenant. But this New Covenant will be different because this one will be written on their hearts and mind. If you have the word written in your heart you would by your new nature follow his commandments. Jesus tells us: As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days when the Lord returns. As I was learning TRUTHS let me tell you, I was at first sick to my stomach (waste basket beside me). P.S. (Pilel) to fall, The MAIN thrust of nearly EVERY religious and non-religious group these days, is to be nice to the Jews aka Zionism, (or COPY the Jews) labelling anyone who will NOT come to the party ANTI-SEMITIC. Are you saying Moses did not believe the Gospel that he preached in the wilderness? 3. to fulfil, i.e. For my opinion about Daniel Unsealed, what I pointed out about Mark Biltz's theory applies to their theory as well. Also I might add, any Christian admittedly says that you must obey the 10 commandments and further says they are written on your hearts when you are saved. I started studying the Hebrew Roots Movement about seven years ago, and 119 is one of the newer but more prolific 'ministries . The organization you referenced places a different emphasis on the law and people's obedience of it. Brandon stressed that the sin of blasphemy carried (in our day) the seriousness of the death penalty. There was no NEW Covenant mentioned in Hebrews 7 >> the word Covenant was ADDED to the text and the original wording was about a new PRIESTHOOD. As a result to their disobedience their relationship with God was tarnished. Then there is another Covenant issued by Moses on behalf of the Father. This does not mean one is to go out and willfully sin because they have grace! A lot of Christians are taking the bait due to their interest in prophecy and Mark Biltzs blood moon theories. What is interesting is that we see these same words used when God gave His instructions to the Israelites and foreigners and throughout the rest of scripture. I am sorry about your experience with the Roman Catholic Church. And I can say that since my former neighbor went to Seminary and became a pastor himself. This sort of thing happens when people who may know what individual words in another language mean BUT do not know or understand the idiomatic expressions of the culture they are translatingn words about and instead they ended up using word-for-word text translation instead of translating the MEANING of the idiomatic expression. So why does it only apply to Israel in ancient days, and not now? (another incorrect interpretation there in most Bibles with kamlos (camel) being a MISPRINT of kamilos, meaning rope or cable. And just like Shaual, I too am of the tribe of Binyamin (Benjamin in English), not to mention several others. He also provided me with a beautiful wife who loves Him too! . Since this is the case then perhaps this changes how we understand other scriptures and we should test the doctrines we were taught after all scripture does say to test everything. Was a matter of us, Yahweh and the Scripture collaborating to reveal truthcan! 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