my greatest worry in a sentence

I won't reach the expectations of others and, most importantly, of myself. 'Don sont mes moyens financiers limits cette anne. Only on the american side we can see things like "not realizing my full potential, not accomplishing everything, not saving the world," which I thing stems from the high expectation of MIT students. is that I won't do as well as I need to and I will fail. 4 Huffington Post 2) Oui, tout le monde est quasiment sur de trouver un travail la sortie de l'cole. est de russir mes tudes en ne dcevant aucune personne que j'aime. Hart (1986 . I guess I should clarify. For example, I would like to start a foundation for students and I would like to donate to organizations and so forth, but it's much easier said than done. pour l'instant est ma russite professionelle. Etes-vous d'accord? I think some answers such as ending up homeless is really reflective of today's economic situation, and while the French mention economic woes, no one seems to think that they'll ever be homeless. ma famille, 5. Example sentences containing worry about from English sources. 1) personnellement je ne pense pas qu'il y ait des diffrences d'ambition, mais peut-tre que nous sommes moins inquits (mme si cela me semble trange, avec les mdias anxiognes - mais peut-tre un effet pervers est justement de nous dsintresser des problmes du monde cause du trop grand nombre de crises ?) not to achieve anything. Without liberalism, you probably won . B) believe the greatest worry . :). @Antoine - Intressant. They won't have to worry about me again. Also, what's not "changing the world" about oil and America's power? The Word "Heart" in Example Sentences - Page 1 Study vocabulary in context. I feel like this leads to many people either ignoring the news, or being inundated with news that's centered on individuals instead of society as a whole. Don't worry they could have just forgotten to phone. I am interested in another thing though. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Surveys show that ______ is a common experience for close to half of all children in the United States. ENSEIRB-MATMECA Sentence Completion My greatest worry. Some of these are: population growth; possible scarcity of commodities, the food and energy situation . ma copine. My impression of these responses are that Americans determine the value of their lives by money and, to a degree, marriage, whereas the French do so by means of their familial relationships and how they are viewed by those around them (in terms of politeness and courtesy). Sentences Don't worry; everything will work out fine. I think between the two words, that worry is a more intense word than concern, so that could be why the American responses were more personal. Pay attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers.1. Lionsgate. Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days, 2014-2023 Ludwig S.R.L.S. Or. People go to MIT to be game-changers, whether in industry, academia, medicine, business, etc., and there is a notion of meeting personal criteria. It seems that American students expect to succeed and thus worry about the possibility of failure. In fact, I think the last statistic I heard was that between 10 and 30% of marriages end up in divorce. The subject of the sentence is implied. I think that these survey responses just indicate that we Americans and the French understood this question differently and chose to look at two very different time scales. This forum is the most popular so far. @Anahid : Je ne pense pas que cela vienne de la crise conomique. Mais sans travail, pas d'argent, pas de foyer, aucune satisfaction personnelle, aucune interaction avec la socit (hors amis/famille). "I will be keeping you in my thoughts, and holding you in my heart." Do you think this might be because Americans worry more and are afraid to fail? vara orolig {vb} more_vert. Ce qui me proccupe le plus. It's hard to find a way of comparing, but just based on your own opinions, do you think that French people worry less than most people or about the same? In some test incomplete sentences tests only a single word or brief response is called for; the major differences appears to be in the length of the stimulus. Cependant, se concentrer sur avoir un travail et un avenir professionnel ne veut pas dire dlaisser ses amis et sa famille. You don't need to worry about me anymore. Is it hard for a student that graduates from your university to find a good job? Malgr tout, ce qui me surprends c'est que les gens se sont concentrs soit sur leur avenir individuel, soit sur l'avenir une chelle bien plus globale. is being caught in an uninteresting job. 144 Who do you think is the greatest modern novelist? ma famille, ma soutenance de thse, mon futur proche, mes frres et soeurs. les tudes. We would be more likely to "my future career concerns me the most" than say "my greatest worry is my future career". that I do not get to see my family again. Using collocations list of "worry" improves . I noticed that the worries on the American side are all individual worries, with 1 real exception. I believe Zach thinks Americans worry more about the state of things right now, but from what I remeber Meera thinks the French are more concerned about short term goals. 6. vivre ma vie avec ceux que j'aime et essayer de les rendre toujours souriants. Many of the sentences have audio, too. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I just wish he would have been a little more supportive. On energy, the great worry of my group, . Is that not as relative in France because the French culture is already more balanced than the American culture so they are less worried about finding a job? Et est ce que votre dipme compte beaucoup pour vos embauches ? CK 1 299844 He has a bad heart. With two reams, he wouldn't have to worry about running out . -- Lots of French responses included other people (family, friends, significant others, etc. Je pensais que l'avenir de son entourage de sa famille et de ses amis prendrait une place plus importante dans les rponses. A good point is made by Samin on the "protective net" that (supposedly) exists in France but is missing in the USA (any "protective mechanism" is labeled as "socialism" these day). Human trafficking in south-east Europe is giving us the greatest cause for concern and worry. For the students in France: would you say or generalize that the French people have many worries or worry often? Vous posez un peu tous la mme question alors je vais faire une rponse groupe : En France, la sortie d'une cole d'ingnieur on trouve assez vite un travail (certains ont mme des offres avant d'obtenir le diplme !) The point is we all have to put up with the bad days.". 4. Is this something that doesn't come to mind often; is having a comfortable life a main concern instead? 2 We walked slowly, even happiness are worried. being poor. I think there was also a wide variety of interpreting the question. The fear of failure is the fear that your efforts and your work ethic won't be enough to succeed. I mean there are French answers that sound like "my future", "my family" or "my education". The mastiff was the greatest of all the dogs at the park. You will only have to worry about food, drinks, sunscreen, and having fun. that I will end up unhappy. What else are you afraid of? They worry about influences a lack of money in the household could create. Lots of good trends here! that I will not be successful. Using the word opinion, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Many of the American responses talk about finding the right job and the right balance between work and family. 2522619 You annoy me . Catia was more wise than are most women. What are some purely personal goals that the French worry about? I don't think that your answers (the French) are way less general than ours. Most women were silent. being far away from my family and friends. Ermellina said they need not worry, that she would not open to any one. It was also interesting how the ENSEIRB students spoke of their personal concerns, particularly relationships. not being able to finish all that I have wanted to do, not being able to see the world, and not being able to truly appreciate myself until the very end. This message conveys that and extends your sentiments to them as well. And I think the French answers reflected that age bias as well. Times, Sunday Times. (1819) don't worry your pretty little head about it. 4 After twenty minutes I started to get worried. Last and greatest of the mammalia are the whales. 175 71 The greatest lesson I've learned this life is survival. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; This is actually a lot simpler than it looks, so do nt worry too much. A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. I was also thinking something similar to Anne. (225) Tom looks rather worried. I feel as though both groups responded with a fear of failure, it was just different in the way it was mentioned. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. LANGUAGE. It seems like the French, relative to the Americans, have a more socialist attitude in the government and towards the economy, while Americans are more about capitalism and every man for himself? 2/ Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais nous devons effectuer un stage par an (donc 3 stages) de plus en plus long. Mais peut tre que l'on a l'impression que les Franais accordenr plus d'importance leur avenir. de finir mes tudes avec un bon diplme qui me permette d'avoir un bon niveau de vie plus tard; de pouvoir avoir du travail la sortie de ma scolarit, de valider mon semestre, d'avoir un salaire me permettant de voyager rgulirement, de savoir que mes proches vont bien, la russite des tudes et la fin du monde en 2012, les amours, les amis, la famille, les tudes, les concours de fin d'anne, la houle et le vent (pour le surf). 4. la pauvret, les ingalits. This is reflected in many other areas that we have discussed so far (e.g. I think that both sides are worried about short-term, but we mit kids are simply less inclined to admit it. Le fait est qu'aujourd'hui, dans notre socit, pour fonder une famille il faut de l'argent. I find the comment about Americans being less "altruistic" based on their fears very interesting. French talked more about the things they are the most concerned with, while MIT students talked about fears. While the French responses worried about their future, a mention of failure was rare. Wikipedia. la restriction des liberts individuelles, la pollution de notre plante, mon avenir, les autres, What's the matter? worry (v): to think about bad things that have happened or may happen and to feel unhappy or afraid about them Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " I constantly worry about my children. 173 104 Advertisement If not for fear of something, would anyone accomplish anything? Unfortunately, a lot of popular online news sources seem to ignore larger global issues like the environment and wars, in favor of trivial things (like every detail of Kim Kardashian's life) or at least articles about more personal, day-to-day things (new studies on good diet foods, how popular sports teams are doing, statistics about jobs with the fastest-growing salaries, isolated incidents of crime in local neighborhoods, etc.). is that we humans will keep competing with each other, trying to be the best, and trying to make the most money, but we will end our lives being dissatisfied and having unfulfilled dreams. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. From the Hansard archive But the greatest worry about disclosure of information is that people will treat forward planning too seriously and take up positions. At l'ENSEIRB, is there a lot of pressure to do something grand with your life, not only to get a good job but also contribute to the world as a whole? SCHOOLS. Oh non "Failure" = Echec et Avenir = " future ". Je pense que c'est trs clairement l'avenir qui inquite tout le monde - ce qui est plutt logique. I still find interesting, though, the difference in how the American and French students responded. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Try to make sure the result is a complete sentence but. We just sounded a bit more dramatic/worried about our worries. I was surprised by the number of responses mainly revolving around self-centered things, such as "failure" and disappointing friends and family. You shouldn't worry about your weight. THE MOST out of everything you are uncertain about (other potential uncertainties being like: grades, jobs, completing obligations, personal success)?? Is that we'll start losing our humanity to the likes of "social" media. Most women are hopelessly sentimental. The American love affair with bagels gets stronger every year. We simply chose not to mention this fact too much since we are afraid to admit it. I really appreciate that that is so accepted/the norm there! (If we were UC Santa Cruz or UCLA, I am sure that we would also have people being concerned with The Surf.). In addition, I noticed the French address more personal rather than professional things "balancing the two aspects of life, family, becoming famous with a band, laziness.". The Guardian. la fin de mes tudes. Is the meaning the same, "failure" and "l'avenir"? But I don't see anything wrong or bad with that, future can be defined in a lot of ways but the idea is the same - everyone is a little scared about their own future because we don't control it and everything that is out of our control can be scary, right? How about the word family? I will not be able to accomplish all that I want and see all the places I want to see. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. I am worried about my health. Ou plutt moins exigeants ? A collocation is two or more words that often go together. But by far the greatest worry is China's tightening labour market. The greatest worry is licensed water for businesses. 2. is that people are turning into consumers instead of creators. v. 1. be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy 2. be concerned with 3. disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress 4. be on the mind of 5. lacerate by biting 6. touch or rub constantly. " (excessively, too much, unnecessarily) English How to use "worry" in a sentence . Elodie, a possible equivalent to the "bac pro" in the United States might be vocational schools where one would learn a trade. It did seem that more of the French worried about things that related to other people/ the world than the Americans though. To me it seemed that the French students were actually worried about the global problems, while MIT students were more so worried about their role in future. Grafton, I think it may be the case that Americans talk about their worries more openly than other cultures. 3. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Worry That | Worry That Sentence It is worry that injures more than real work. As French students, many of you seem to have similar concerns as MIT students about finding jobs, but many of you also have larger worries. -- The French were a lot more worried about their actual jobs/schooling, while we were more worried, I would say, about finding happiness in our job/future situation. mes amis, that I won't be able to find a job after graduation. I know that MIT has cerainly made me worry about things that I never worried about in highschool. Je pense que c'est universel et que mme nous franais ressentons la mme chose ! Some of the French students are afraid for the future in particular for the period after they graduate from the university. Jamie, nous nous intressons beaucoup aux tudes car comme tu as pu le voir, en France, les diplmes sont importants; je ne suis pas d'accord avec Elodie qui dit que mme avec peu de diplmes, on trouve du travail en France: si on regarde les catgories de personnes qui restent le plus longtemps au chmage, on trouve celles qui ont le moins de diplmes. is that Mitt Romney will be elected and Obamacare will be repealed. not fitting in, not being able to pass classes, becoming overwhelmed by life. mon avenir professionnel et plus largement, l'injustice du monde dans lequel nous vivons. "Can you correct my sentence?" should no longer be a question that you'll be asking time and time again especially now that you can make use of online sentence corrector. whom. It seems that MIT students feel a pressure to "change the world" while the French students are concerned with other global issues such as oil, France, and America's power. It's a bit comforting to know you're not the only one who worries - it's pretty much all the same for everyone. I definitely think our answers are biased because we're young students, living away from our families. However, while the French also mentioned these to some extent, I felt they mentioned global and national issues more than us. Their family has also likely been affected by the loss. I am very far from home and only get to visit about twice a year. A) worry B) depression C) anxiety D) substance abuse, A large survey of parents and their children shows that parents: A) believe children are more concerned about school than children are. I belive both are quite similar in that aspect. 6 In spite of her fears, ( she always worried through. While everyone has worried at some point, many people suffer from chronic worrying in the form of anxiety. I got a feeling that my greatest worry and ce qui me proccupe le plus don't have the same meaning in two languages. On the French side, about five people mentioned broader socail and economic issues. There are also a variety of degrees and diplomas that deviate from the normal track (GED, Associate's) for those that are intent on specific professional work. However, I noticed something else. . The sentence will be followed by a three-year term of court-ordered supervision, and Ellis will be required to pay $812,259 in restitution. French students do not necessarily expect success, and instead worry about the future. l'argent, le sexe, devenir clbre avec mon groupe Phonema. doing well in my classes, taking the GREs and applying to grad school at the moment. that I won't succeed in life and also that I'll end up alone. l'avenir des tres humains (les guerres, la pauvret, la famine), I expected MIT students to be very worried about "mes etudes", but it seems that French students think about it more! Learn how to use in my greatest in a sentence and make better sentences with `in my greatest` by reading in my greatest sentence examples. Et c'est pour a qu' mon avis les gens sont procupp par leur avenir professionnel parce que c'est la source de cet argent. How much do grades matter when you are applying for a job? c'est les changements venir ds au ptrole. je pense que si on m'avais demand ma plus grande peur, j'aurais rpondu, tout comme nos amis les amricains, ne rien faire de ma vie (professionnelle), ou perdre un parent. I was least worried about the examination. Or was that a coincidence? It took a few moments on the air before Mr. Scarborough realized he had spoken the obscenity out loud, at which point he said: "Great apologies if I said the word instead of the letter. What is it that makes individual events so much more important for French students than American ones? is that his country will go to the dogs because of mismanagement. It belongs to most women. Il est amusant de voir les diffrences entre les tudiants du MIT et les tudiants de l'ENSEIRB. It is not work, but worry, that wears. (1821) don't worry about it; you're gonna be nickel. is that Mitt Romney will be elected and Obamacare will be repealed. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available. Words often used with worry in an English sentence: big worry, cause worry, constant worry, financial worry, greatest worry, legitimate . We weren't just worried about "my future", but we were worried that "I won't get a job, I will fail a class, or that something bad to happen to one of my family or friends," or that "I will take my good fortune for granted." Americans seem to talk about fears and bad things that worry them, while French seem to talk about things they have on their mind the most at this time: their education, family, future, etc. proccuper means "to have concern". (221) We are worried about you. Mme si c'est triste dire 1/ Je ne pense pas. I was much worried about the examination this time. You should ring up your mother, for she must be worried. mon avenir. The greatest worry of my constituents in the present situation is whether the priorities between different forms of transport are right.

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